Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Acceptance of article with volumetric weight - Directorate Order


Cadre Restructuring in Tamilnadu Circle - Implementation started

Download Annexure Part I  (HSG II) Download Annexure II  (LSG ) Download Annexure III (LSG ) Source:http://sapost.blogspot.in...

7th Pay Commission – Committee on Allowances submits HRA report to Government

The Committee on Allowances, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa has submitted its report on Housing Rent Allowance (HRA) to the government, reports NDTV. The submission of report further paves the way for government to implement the hike in allowances as per the revised recommendations of 7th Pay Commission. The date of allowance hike is expected to be April 1. Centre is expected to make the announcement after the five-state elections conclude on March 8. The 7th Pay Commission had recommended that HRA should be paid at the...

Monday, 27 February 2017

7th Pay Commission: Announcement for higher allowances after Assembly election results

New Delhi, February 25: Almost eight months have been passed now and the Central government employees are waiting to receive higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in their paychecks. Some reports suggest that the government is likely to make an announcement on higher allowances after assembly elections results of five states which will be declared on March 11. In June 2016, the union government approved the recommendations made by the high-powered committee on 7th Pay Commission and promised to pay higher basic...

Sources Confirmed Allowance Committee Report Submitted

One of the NJCA leader, On Condition of Anonymity, told that the committee constituted to examine the allowance has finalised its reports and submitted it to the Government on 22nd February 2017. On asking whether the NJCA knew the details of the committee report, he said that they were not provided with the committee report. But the committee has informed them that their demand on allowance would be considered favourably. Hence it is expected...

Sunday, 26 February 2017

India Post Bank is likely to tap World War-era tech to garner business

Three things India Post will do to change the banking landscape Postman to deliver cash at homes Phone cell-based remittances and bill payments It is back to basics for India Post Payments Bank (IPPB). It is tapping into World War-era phone-based technology and its vast network of postman to target a customer base of around 850 million, which either have no access to telephony or still depend on feature phones.  “Banks and payments banks are two different things.Over 90% households have access to bank accounts. So, we are...

The Government simplifies maintenance of registers under various Labour Laws

Press Information BureauGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Labour & Employment23-February-2017 18:28 IST The Government simplifies maintenance of registers under various Labour LawsGovernment reduces 56 labour registers to only 5 for 5.85 crore establishments  The Government has simplified the maintenance of Labour registers of about 5.85 crore establishments in agriculture and non- agriculture sectors. These registers are related to details of employees, their salaries, loans/recoveries, attendance etc. This exercise...

Saturday, 25 February 2017


Click here to see the Resu...

7th Pay Commission – Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

No.A-60015/1/2016/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/7th CPC/6010 Government Of India Ministry Of Finance Department Of Expenditure Controller General Of Accounts Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan E Block, GPO complex, INA New Delhi – 110 023 Dated: 23rd February,2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission – Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Consequent to...

Thursday, 23 February 2017

How a member of deceased employee can apply for Family Pension ?

Family Pension – Form 14 – How to apply for granting family pension on the death of Government servant/ pensioner/ family pensioner. Family Pension can be claimed by submitting Form 14 in case of death of Government servant/ pensioner/ family pensioner. Family pension to spouse is sanctioned and authorized at the time pension is authorized in favour of retiring government servant and indicated in the pension payment order and is to be drawn after the death of the pensioner. However, in cases where Govt. servant expired while in service,...

Admissibility of Deputation (Duty) Allowance while on deputation

As per Para 8.3.2 of the O.M. dated 17th June 2010, i.e. only up to the fifth year    DOPT ORDER No. 2/6/2016-Estt.(Pay-II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhi Dated: 23rd February 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Admissibility of Deputation (Duty) Allowance while on deputation – regarding. The undersigned is directed to...

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

The Promotion of the Sorting Assistants to the cadre of LSG in RMS.


7th Pay Commission: Committee on Allowances to submit report today and allowance hike from April 1, says NJCA chief

7th Pay Commission: Committee on Allowances to submit report today and allowance hike from April 1, says NJCA chief NJCA chief Shiv Gopal Mishra confirmed that the allowances report would be submitted on Wednesday. New Delhi, Feb 21: Committee on allowances, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, will submit its report tomorrow, claims National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) convenor Shiv Gopal Mishra. Central government employees were expecting the report to be tabled by Monday. However, the committee delayed the submission...

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

7th Pay Commission Allowances – Only 7% increase has been factored in to Budget 2017-18

7th Pay Commission Allowances – Only 7% increase has been factored in to Budget 2017-18 – But the least increase recommended by 7th Pay Commission in HRA alone is more than 100% While all Central Government Employees still believe increase in allowances based on recommendations of 7th Pay Commission is still on the cards, signs of Govt’s preparation towards the same are not encouraging. For instance, the budget allocation made by the Govt towards Allowances payable in respect of Central Government Employees for the year 2017-18 is Rs....

Clarification from Directorate regardindg Benchmark for promotion

Directorate Letter No. 20-45/2016-SPB-II dated 18th Feb 2017 regarding clarification on Benchmark for Promotion. ...

Modification in the definition of anomaly – DoPT Orders

Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commissions recommendations. No.11/2/2016-JCA Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Establishment JCA Section North Block, New Delhi Dated the 20th February, 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations. The undersigned...