Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Send your suggestion related to welfare Schemes to our Federation on or before 02.09.2017

Suggestions related to welfare Schemes-Please go throw linked letter No. 1-01/2017-WL & Sp dated 29.08.2017 on the above subject,our colleagues are requested to send suggestions/inputs to our Federation on or before 02.09.2017...

CSI Implementation Blue Book - CEPT

Click here for full book ...

Procedure to get a CGHS Plastic Card

Eligible serving employees/pensioners have to apply in the prescribed form (available on CGHS website and in the wellness centers) The form should be completely filled up with individual photographs pasted as specified in the form Following documents need to be attached In case of serving employee: Proof of residence.Proof of stay of dependents.Proof of age of son.In case of differently abled dependent son above 25 years, disability certificate from competent authority as specified.In case of pensioners:- In addition to 1...

Applying Leaves in CSI Platform


Monday, 28 August 2017

Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination, 2015 - Declaration of Final Result for recruitment for the post of Data Entry Operator, Postal Assistant /Sorting Assistant and LDC.

Click here to see the: ROLL NUMBER Click here to see the: DETAI...

Computerized Passenger Reservation System (PRS) terminals provided in Post Offices


Request for allowing revised option NCJCM letter To MOF

Ph.: 23382286National Council (Staff Side)Joint Consultation MachineryFor Central Government Employees13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001E Mail: Shiva Gopal MishraSecretary No.NC-JCM-2017/FinAugust 24, 2017 The Secretary,Ministry of Finance,Department of Expenditure,North Block,New Delhi Sub:- Revised Pay Rules. Rule Ref:- This office letter of even number dated 06/06/2017 Dear Sir, We solicit your kind reference to our letter citied above. Copy of which is enclosed for your ready reference. We had requested...

Functioning of Departmental Councils – Information regarding

REMINDER F.No.4/3/2009-JCAGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions(Department of Personnel & Training)Establishment (JCA-I) Section North Block, New DelhiDated August 21,2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Functioning of Departmental Councils – Information regarding The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been issuing instructions from time to time for holding regular meetings of Departmental Council with a view to making effective use of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) Scheme. In...

CGHS Wellness Centre allopathic at Imphal

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMinistry of Health and Family WelfareOffice of the Additional Director Central Govt.Health SchemeNongrim Hills Shillong – 793 003 No. CGHS/ESTT/RECTG/62/114_68 Dated : Shillong, the 23 August, 2017. NOTIFICATION Sub: Opening of a Central Govt. Health Scheme, Wellness Centre (allopathic) at Imphal This is for information to all eligible Central Govt. employees / pensioners and other stake holders that, a Central Govt. Health Scheme (CGHS) Wellness Centre sanctioned vide Govt. of India, Min. of Health & Family...

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Increase in minimum pay and fitment formula

Increase in minimum pay and fitment formula - Note Submitted by JCM National Council staff side to senior officers committee headed by Shri Pramod Kumar Das, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on 14th August 2017. To view the letter addressed to Additional Secretary, Govt. of India, Department of Expenditure, please here ...

Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by NPS

"It is once again reiterated that the aforesaid instructions may be followed scrupulously and to review all the cases for ensuring the payment of family pension, disability pension and extra-ordinary pension to the NPS subscribers in case of death/disability" GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2012/F(E)111/1(1)/4 New Delhi, Dated: 23/08/2017 The GMs/FA & CAOs, All Zonal Railways/Production Units. Subject: Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant...

Cabinet approves setting up of a Commission to examine the Sub-Categorization within OBCs

Press Information BureauGovernment of IndiaCabinet 23-August-2017 Cabinet approves setting up of a Commission to examine the Sub-Categorization within OBCs The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today approved a proposal for setting up of a Commission under article 340 of the Constitution to examine the issue of sub-categorization of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs). The Commission shall submit its report within 12 weeks from the date of appointment of the Chairperson of the Commission. The Commission shall...

NCJCM – National Anomaly Committee related letter of the JCM (Staff Side)

No.NC-JCM-2017/7th CPC Anomaly Dated: August 23, 2017 Dear Comrades Kindly refer to your letter requesting us to take up certain issues in the National Anomaly Committee. We, having considered the definition of the anomaly and the ambit of the NAC, taken up the issues which are placed on our website. Some of the issues brought to our notice are actually “demands” in the charter and, we have reserved the same for taking up in the Standing...

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

GDS Commission report, Cadre Restructuring, & 7th CPC salary for TSCL latest position.

SGFNPO met the DDG’s on 22/05/2017. The outcome of the meeting is as follows:- GDS Commission report. 1. GDS file is still with MOF, last week Department replied to all the queries raised by the MOF. It is expected that the MOF may clear the file within fifteen days. Other formalities may take ten to twenty days. We expect that GDS commission report will be implemented either in the last week of September or in the First week of October 2017. 2. Cadre Restructuring . The committee proposes to visit Odhisa, Gujarat, Rajasthan...

LTC 80 Fares List – 1st August 2017.

Agartala Kolkata 5741 12601 Agatti Bengaluru 10141 Agatti Kochi 10421 Agra Delhi 7531 18636 Agra Khajuraho 5741 11001 Agra Varanasi 6796 15872 Ahmedabad Chennai 10376 33856 Ahmedabad Delhi 8150 22948 Ahmedabad Hyderabad 9226 25124 Ahmedabad Mumbai 6201 ...