Monday, 25 September 2017

World Postal Chief Executives Forum develops “clear vision for postal transformation”

UPU World Postal Chief Executives Forum develops “clear vision for postal transformation” Read mor...

Friday, 22 September 2017

Grant of Dearness Allowance Revised Rates from 01/.07/2017 - Dept of Posts Order


Thursday, 21 September 2017

DoPT to Launch Mobile app for Retiring Central Govt Employees Today.

New Delhi: A mobile application will be launched on Wednesday for Retiring Central Govt Employees Today to help them monitor the progress of their pension settlement cases. Retired employees will also be able to assess their superannuation funds and record complaints, if any, through the pension calculator, an official release issued by the Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions Ministry said on Tuesday.The ministry already has a pensioners’ portal for this purpose.The mobile app will be extending to the mobile handset all services meant...

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

7th CPC Travel Entitlement on Leave Travel Concession w.e.f. 1st July, 2017: DoPT OM 19.09.2017

No. 31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Establishment A-IV Desk North Block New Delhi. Dated September19, 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC post Seventh Central Pay Commission-clarification reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No....

Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2017.

Dearness Allowance from July, 2017 @ 5%: Finance Ministry Order No. 1/9/2017-E-II (B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, the 20th September, 2017. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2017. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. 1/312017-E.II(B) dated 30th March,...



Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Proposed RRs of AO/AAO of IP&TAFS Group 'B'

To view Click Here. ...

Can govt staff select own fund manager for NPS? PFRDA expects decision in a month

The Hindu Business Line   12 Sep 2017   KR SRIVATS Fears wane AP Asian stocks rose strongly on Monday after Hurricane Irma weakened and North Korea marked a weekend holiday with celebrations but refrained from launching more missiles, giving investors some relief Pension regulator PFRDA is hopeful of a final government decision within a month over allowing the nearly three million Central government employees choose their own...

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Test Check conducted by CAG to compare the quality of Speed Post with Private Couriers


மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு கூடுதலாக ஒரு சதவிகிதம் அகவிலைப்படி உயர்வு

செப்டம்பர் 12, 2017, 05:24 PM புதுடெல்லி, மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு ஒரு சதவிகிதம் அகவிலைப்படியை உயர்த்தி வழங்க மத்திய அமைச்சரவை ஒப்புதல் அளித்துள்ளது. ஏற்கனவே 4 சதவிகித அகவிலைப்படி உயர்வு வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ள நிலையில் கூடுதலாக ஒரு சதவிகிதம் உயர்த்தி வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.   விலைவாசி உயர்வை கருத்தில் கொண்டு அகவிலைப்படியை உயர்த்தி வழங்க முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.  ஜூலை 1 ஆம் தேதி முன் தேதியிட்டு அகவிலைப்படி வழங்கப்படும் என்று தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. மத்திய அரசின் இந்த அறிவிப்பு மூலம், 50 லட்சம் அரசு ஊழியர்கள்  61 லட்சம் ஓய்வூதியதாரர்கள்...

21வது அகில இந்திய மாநாடு


Grant of SPl. CL for attending to AIC


Productivity Linked Bonus for FY 201-17 to be paid in the Current year 2017- FNPO Letter.


Holding of meetings of the National Council (JCM)

Dated: September 5, 2017 TDated: September 5, 2017The Cabinet Secretary(Government of India),Cabinet Secretariat,Rashtrapati Bhawan,New DelhiDear Sir,Sub: Holding of meetings of the National Council (JCM)National Council (JCM) has not met since May 2010, resulting in number of long pending issues could not be finalized because of non-holding of meeting of the National Council (JCM).The above is causing serious unrest amongst the Central Government Employees.You are, therefore, requested to kindly arrange to fix date NC/JCM meeting to get resolved...

Contribution for Life Time CGHS Card for Pensioners

LIFE TIME CARD : CGHS Card for Central Government Pensioners – Contribution as above depending on the Last grade pay at the time of retirement. Choice is with the individual. One can apply for Life time card by paying 10 years contribution together or one can apply for one year, two years etc. by paying for that applicable period. The Plastic Cards (which are identity cards), would hereinafter be issued with validity till the pensioner beneficiary is entitled for CGHS benefits. In respect of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, who have paid...

Govt. Servant responsible for Deletion of the name of an ineligible Dependent

The undersigned is directed to state that in accordance with the definition of ‘family’ mentioned in Ministry of Health Memo. No. F.6(1) 1-54-H, dated the Ist May, 1954 the family of a beneficiary for the purpose of CGHS scheme includes husband/wife of the CGHS card-holder, as the case may be, wholly dependent children or step-children and parents, who are mainly dependent on and residing with the Government Servant. While it is incumbent upon the card issuing. Authorities, i.e. various departments and offices participating in the scheme,...