Tuesday, 30 October 2018



Stepping up of Pay - Consolidated Guidelines-reg


Promotion to the Cadre of LSG in RMS

Promotion from Time Scale sorting assistants to the cadre of LSG in RMS on regular basis in the pre-revised band of Rs.5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs.2800/- ...

Modalities of transfer of the NPS contribution to casual labourer with temporary status to their GPF accounts

No. 49014/2/2014-Estt.(C)-Pt.IGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Personnel. PG and PensionsDepartment of Personnel & Training North Block, New DelhiDated: 11th October, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Clarification on modalities of transfer of the NPS contribution to casual labourer with temporary status to their GPF accounts. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s GM No. 51016/2/90-Estt (C) dated the 10th September, 1993 vide which a scheme for grant of temporary status to the casual...

Clarification on fixation of pay of Inspector Posts on promotion to the cadre of ASP Cadre


LTC Travel entitlements post 7th CPC – DOPT Clarification

LTC Travel entitlements post 7th CPC – DOPT Clarification No.31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IVGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment of Personnel & TrainingEstablishment A-IV Desk North Block New Delhi.Dated October 18, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Travel entitlements of Government employees for the purpose of LTC post Seventh Central Pay Commission – clarification reg.The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M.of even no. dated 19.09.2017 on the subject noted above, which inter-alia...


3. The challenge in this petition to the judgment and order dated 16th April, 2013 made by the Central Administrative Tribunal (for short 'the CAT'), dismissing the Original Application No. 145 of 2013 instituted by the petitioner seeking benefit of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) with effect from 1st January, 2006 along with all other consequential benefits. 4. Mr. M. P. Joseph-the petitioner in person submits that...

Admissibility of SPORTS (Society for Promotion of Nature Tourism and Sports) tour package to Lakshadweep Islands on ships operated by Lakshadweep Administration on LTC

No. 31011/10/2017-Estt.A-IV Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Establishment A-lV Desk North Block, New Delhi. Dated October 11 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Admissibility of SPORTS (Society for Promotion of Nature Tourism and Sports) tour package to Lakshadweep Islands on ships operated by Lakshadweep Administration on LTC. The undersigned is directed to say that this Department is in receipt of references seeking clarification regarding the...

Anonymous and Pseudonymous complaints - DOPT guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments

F,No.104/76/2011-AVD-I Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training New Delhi, dated the 08th October, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments. The undersigned is directed to say that instructions regarding dealing with anonymous and pseudonymous complaints were issued vide this Department's Office Memorandum of even number dated 18.10.2013 prescribing that no action is required to be taken on...

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Exemption from Transfer and Rotational Transfer – DoPT Instructions

F.No. 42011/3/2014-Estt.(Res)Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment of Personnel and Training North Block, New Delhidated the 08th October, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/ rotational transfer. Considering that transfer of a Government employee who serves as the main care giver of persons with disability would have a bearing on the systematic rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, the Government issued OM of even number dated June 6,...

FNPO office bearers List approved by the Department.


Review of guidelines for issue and review of Inspection Report - DOP


