Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Delivery of all categories of parcels through Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs)


Grant of notional promotion to a Government servant found fit by review DPC after retirement – Procedure and Guidelines to be followed

F.No.22011/3/2013-Estt.(D)Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionDepartment of Personnel & Training North Block, New DelhiDated 15th November, 2018 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub : Promotion of Government servants found fit by review DPC after retirement —procedure and guidelines to be followedThe undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 25.1.2016 which deals with the grant of notional promotion to a Government servant exonerated in a disciplinary proceedings...

PJCA Circular

POSTAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION  NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES  FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANIZATIONS  ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION – GDS  NATIONAL UNION – GDS  Circular No. PJCA/2/2018                                                                         Dated – 16.11.2018CircularA meeting of Postal J.C.A consisting...

Fixation of Pay on Promotion between 1.1.2016 and Date of Notification issue – NC JCM Staff Side Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 01.01.2006 and the date of notification of RS(RP)Rules, 2008

Fixation of Pay on Promotion between 1.1.2016 and Date of Notification issue – NC JCM Staff Side Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 01.01.2006 and the date of notification of RS(RP)Rules, 2008 Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary National Council (Staff Side)  Joint Consultative Machinery  for Central Government Employees 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001  E-Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com No.NC/JCM/2018 Dated: November 6, 2018 The Secretary(Exp.), Ministry of Finance,  Department...

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Holidays to be observed in Department of Posts for the year -2019

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21 points of charter of Demands submitted by RMS -JCA and replies of the Department.
