Monday, 17 April 2023

Newly elected office bearers FNPO

The following newly elected office bearers of FNPO Secretary General : Shivaji Vasi Reddy,G/S P3 Working President : N.K.Tyagi, G/S R3Vice President: Rabindrapatnaik,  C/S R3 Odhisa CircleDeputy Secretary General : Umesh Maskar C/S R3, Maharashtra Circle,. Assistant Secretary General : Subhe Singh,C/S R3, Delhi Circle                              ...

Sunday, 16 April 2023

12th Federal Congress of FNPO

12 th Federal Congress of FNPO is held at Devachi Alandi, Pune from 16.4 23 to 17.4.23 .Open session begins on 16.04.2023 at 03.00 pm under the Presidentship of Shri N.K.Tyagi G/S FNPO R/3.Welcome address by :Shri Nissar Mujavar ,SG FNPO.Chief address by:-Shri K.K.Sharma, CPMG, Maharashtra Circle.Shri Ramachandra Jaya bhaye, PMG, Pune Region.Special address by1. Shri. D.Theagarajan, Ex SG FNPO.2. Shri. T.N.Rahate, Ex. SG FNPO.3. Shri. B.Shivakumar,...

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

28th Circle conference of FNPO P4 held at Salem
