Sunday, 19 June 2016

Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners with 10 Years of Service – CPAO allows revision

Revision of Pro-rata Pension with qualifying service of 10 Years – CPAO received clarification from Department of Pension that OM dated 06.04.2016 for delinking of Qualifying Service from Pension applicable to pre-2006 pensioners completed 10 years of service

NEW  DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (Pre-2006)/2016-17/8 Vol-VI/58
13th June,  2016
Office Memorandum
Subject:-  Revision of pension  of pre-2006 pensioners – delinking  of revised pension  from qualifying service of 33 years.
Taking  into  consideration   DP&PW  OM  No.  38/37/08-P&PW (A)  dated-06.04.2016, instructions were  issued for processing of cases of pre-2006 pensioners  by delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years vide this office OM No. CPAO/IT & Tech/ Revision  (Pre-2006)/2016-17111   dated-12th  April,  2016  and  subsequent  OM  No. CPAO/IT &Tech/Revision (Pre-2006)/2016-17/19 dated-27th April, 2016.
2.  In this context, DP&PW  has clarified the position vide their  ID No.38/6/16-P&PW-(A) dated-13.05.2016   that in accordance with CCS Pension Rules,  pension is admissible if the retiring/ absorbed employee has completed  a qualifying service of 10  years at the time of retirement/ absorption. Therefore,  all those pensioners who were drawing monthly pension after completion of 10 years qualifying service before 01.01.2006 are eligible for benefit in term of OM dated-01.09.2008 and 06.04.2016.
3.  These orders are however, not applicable to those absorbee pensioners who had got  100% lump-sum  in lieu of their monthly pension on absorption in PSUs etc. during 1973-1995 and are  eligible  for  restoration  of  only  113rd   of  their  pension  in respect of  such  absorbee pensioners.  However,  the absorbee pensioners, who are receiving full monthly pension would continue to be covered by the OM dated-01.09.2008  and 06.04.2016   referred to above.
4.  Further, all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs/AGs and Administrators of UTs  were advised to verify the list of PPO numbers for revision provided by CPAO in their PAOs login,  from their records as to whether these PPO numbers are covered by DP&PW OM dated-06.04.2016.  The other cases which were not available in the list provided by CPAO but covered under the OM dated-06.04.2016 were also  to be revised.  It is to ensure that cases of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rule-40 & 41 of CCS (Pension) Rules,  1972  are not to be revised as they are not covered by the OM dated-06.04.2016.
(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech


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